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3 Ways Counselling Can Help Overcome Social Anxiety

Social anxiety, or social phobia, is a condition that affects approximately 3% of Australians every year. While it is normal to feel anxious in certain situations, some people become overwhelmed by more mundane circumstances. For instance, the thought of eating at a public restaurant is enough for a person with extreme social phobia to rethink their lunch. Notably, social phobia can start during childhood or adolescence and can continue well into adulthood. Unfortunately, social anxiety can affect your quality of life, and the sooner it is addressed, the better. A professional counsellor can help you overcome social phobia in different ways.

Helps You Ease into Social Environments -- The one thing that most people with social anxiety have in common is avoidance of social gatherings. It could be school groups, work meetings, or even family get-togethers, but a socially anxious person will make up any excuse to avoid them. Unfortunately, avoiding what makes you nervous only worsens the problem, which might explain why some middle-aged people still get anxious at the thought of speaking to a group of people. The best way to beat social anxiety is to expose yourself to those very situations. Thus, counsellors advise clients to ease into social situations through baby steps. For instance, start with small groups and progress to bigger crowds as your confidence grows. Remember, the technique can take time, which requires patience.

Helps with Role-Playing Tips -- When you are invited to a party or wedding and you expect to be the centre of attention at some point during the occasion, do not turn down the invite. Instead, prepare for the event well in advance. For example, if you are supposed to give a speech at your brother's wedding, write it down and practice in front of a mirror. Most importantly, understand the mode of delivery. The more you get comfortable with your delivery, the less anxious you will feel at the social gathering.

Propose Lifestyle Changes -- You might want to overcome social anxiety disorder, but your lifestyle can affect your attempts. For instance, a person with social phobia who works from home all days of the week will find it challenging to tackle the problem. In such cases, counsellors advise clients to change their lifestyle. It might include joining a gym, a book club, a sports club, or any other activity involving a group of people. Weekly interactions with different people in such social activities will help to grow your confidence.  

Contact a company that provides anxiety counselling services to learn more.
